The Leve Oil Non-GMO - Non-Transgenic Food

IMCOPA,  through  its line of refined soybean oil from the LEVE brand, allows the consumer the legitimate right to opt for the purchase of products free of genetic modification (non-transgenic) and traditional products. Non-GMO (non-transgenic) and Pro Terra (social and environmental) certification is granted by CERT-ID for IMCOPA products, and covers the entire production chain, from the raw material in the field (soybean) to the final product available to the consumer.

In addition to ensuring GMO-free status, the certification ensures that IMCOPA's products originate from crops planted in non-deforested areas after 1994, which do not use child, slave or abusive labor and which prove by documents that soybeans are non-transgenic. Product from traditional soybeans. We use as antioxidant only citric acid and have no trans fat (0% trans fat).

Conservation tips: Store in a dry place, away from light and heat. Avoid conditioning in a refrigerator.

Produced by por: Imcopa Importação, Exportação e Indústria de Óleos S.A.

Shelf life: 180 days.

Nutrition Information
Amounts per 13ml (1 tablespoon)

Calories 108 kcal = 454 kJ 5%
Carbohydrate 0g 0%
Protein 0g 0%
Total Fat 12g 22%
Saturated Fat 2g 9%
Trans Fat - **
Monounsaturated Fat 3g **
Polyunsaturated Fat 7g **
Cholesterol 0mg **
Dietary Fibre 0g 0%
Sodium 0mg 0%
Vitamin E 2.8mg 28%

* %  Daily reference values based on a 2.000 kcal or 8.400 kj diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower based on your individual needs. **DV not established.

The power of soy in your life

Soy provides several health benefits, helping to low bad cholesterol levels (LDL), and raise levels of good cholesterol (HDL). It also has substances that help to mitigate the effects of menopause and prevent the loss of bone mass.

Leve Soy Oil

With international standard, it is the only one in Brazil produced with traditional and non-GMO soy, with quality as equal as market leaders.

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Contact Imcopa and send us your questions, suggestions, critics or compliments.

0800 987 9470
Monday to Friday - 9am to 6pm

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All rights reserved.

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