ProTerra guarantees transparency from the origin to the delivery of the product to the client.ProTerra certification ensures that IMCOPA meets the criteria of ethics, social responsibility and environmental sustainability.

Ethics and Social Responsibility: On the farm there can be no slave, child or abusive work. Coercion methods can not be used. The work can not routinely exceed 12 hours per week. There should be a gap every 6 working days. There can be no discrimination and opportunities must be equal to all workers. All workers must have a written contract. Workers should be trained in their duties. Farmworkers must have access to water, food and shelter in healthy conditions.

Environmental Sustainability: Planting can not occur on land that was deforested after 2004. For plantations on deforested land after 1994, they must have documents proving the compensatory measures taken. Genetically modified organisms can not be used in the production of ProTerra certified products. Farms should reduce as much as possible the use of toxic or polluting materials. Pesticides listed in the WHO (World Health Organization) class 1 a & b should not be used. Agrochemicals should be applied using methods that minimize the danger to human health, wildlife, flora biodiversity, water and air quality. Pesticides should be stored, handled and disposed of in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.